Somerset Maxwell – Therapist

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Pre Marriage Counselling

In the lead up to a couple getting married it can be beneficial to seek some counselling in order to discuss some of the sticking points that already exist within a relationship. It is also beneficial, to set out some common goals for the relationship and discuss conflict and stress resolution strategies. Couples who can communicate effectively and resolve conflicts successfully will have a much greater foundation for successful marriages.

Sexual Dysfunction

This covers a range of sexual concerns from low libido, anorgasmia, vaginismus, impotence and premature ejaculation. During this process we would take a detailed sexual history and try to ascertain the origins of these issues and how best to move forward. In some instances referral to a medical professional may be recommended.

Couples Therapy

Couples often go through periods of very high stress, or lulls in the relationship, where communication is ineffective and conflict is high. Counselling is valuable in learning to work through where these issues are coming from and how best to settle disputes and create new more effective methods of communication. Often success is found simply by talking through these problems and having some professional mediation to see one another’s points of view.

Individual Therapy

Often people can experience a lack of confidence, libido, self-esteem. This can be because of a relationship ending, trauma experienced within relationships, or simply lifestyle stress and worry. It is often helpful to seek counselling to develop systems to rebuild self-esteem, regain confidence and learn to identify old behaviours which may reappear. Identifying triggers, old unhealthy behaviours and our reactions is invaluable in being able to change these patterns moving forward.

Co parenting & divorce counselling

Learning to co parent after the breakdown of a relationship can be very daunting and fraught with conflict. The ideal scenario is to create an environment where conflict can be avoided, and functional systems can be in place to navigate the inevitable stresses that arise. It is so important for children and parents alike to not experience undue stress as a consequence of the breakdown in the partnership.